Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jonathan and Melissa Engaged!

Yesterday Jonathan and Melissa and I went on an engagement adventure!  As fellow CSU Rams, we thought a shoot in Ft. Collins would be fun, with a stop off at a cornfield on the way.  Jonathan saw a picture of a child in overalls in a cornfield and convinced Melissa to re-enact it.  We found a great field and got some great shots, although our feet got just a teensy bit muddy.  And by teensy bit I mean we were wearing giant mud shoes!
We had to stop at a gas station and buy water to get clean!  Then we completed the trek to Ft. Fun, and visited the Oval, City Park, and some open space with giant fluffy plants and beautiful light.  After that we finished the day off with some super fun traffic on the way home!  Hee Hee!  It was a truly fun and memorable shoot!  Thanks Jonathan and Melissa for being such great sports!  I can't wait for the wedding in July!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Little Miss Tutu

When my sister-in-law told me she bought a tutu for the Christmas pictures of my niece, I was so excited!  I love tutus!  As it turns out, so does Addison!  She loves to dress up, and was happy to pose in exchange for goldfish crackers.  We had a great time and got some great shots.  I can't get over her rosey little cheeks!  Have you ever seen a prettier little girl?